Quality Grade 6 English Tutoring & Help
Reading and writing work together simultaneously, once students improve in one area, they’ll also see improvement in another. Our 6th Grade English tutoring can help students improve in both.
Reading and writing are essential skills for students to learn as they move on to higher grades. One influences the other greatly; better readers make better writers, and vice versa. For students looking for a boost, Oxford Learning® is here to help. Oxford Learning®’s Grade 6 English tutors help students builds better English skills.
With Oxford Learning®’s Grade 6 reading and writing program, students improve their reading comprehension and strengthen their vocabulary and spelling, while gaining the school skills they can use for years to come in all subjects, including homework, planning abilities, and most importantly, confidence.
Grade 6 English Tutoring Subjects
- Students learn to read for meaning
- Understand form and style
- Read with fluency
- Identify proper reading strategies
- Summarizing texts and key ideas, and making inferences to texts
- Differentiate text patterns and elements of style
- Read fluently with confidence
- Metacognition, such as knowing when to reread certain passages or asking questions for clarification
- Develop and organize content
- Use knowledge of form and style in writing
- Present written work effectively
- Apply proper writing strategies
- Spell familiar words correctly and spell unfamiliar words
- Grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary