Grade 1 Science Help & Tutoring
Oxford Learning®’s Grade 1 science tutors help students develop the skills they need begin to understand and excel in all aspects of science.
There’s no doubt your child has an incredible imagination. So imagine what he or she is thinking when they learn basic science for the very first time! For some, science is an outlet for creativity and wonder; for others, science may at first seem confusing and illogical. For this reason, many parents will seek the help of a Grade 1 science tutor.
With Oxford Learning®’s Grade 1 science help, young students begin to understand the concept of logic. Each child’s program has transferable learning skills built right in, so that as students makes sense of science, they also learn how to learn.
Grade 1 Science Tutoring Subjects
Life Systems
- Identifying the characteristics and qualities of various life forms
- Respecting and caring for living things
- Identifying plants and animals
- Managing and preventing waste
- Analyzing the purpose of various structures
- Practicing safety around machines
- Identifying energy sources
- Conserving and reusing energy
- Finding renewable energy sources
Earth/Space Systems
- Comparing and contrasting seasons
- Analyzing the sun as a heat source