Grade 10 Science Tutoring & Help
Oxford Learning®'s Grade 10 Science tutoring program is focused on helping students grasp concepts of science and understand their real-world applications.
Grade 10 science is a combination of several disciplines. Without strong background knowledge in each subject, it’s difficult to keep up. If your teen is falling behind–or not being challenged enough–an Oxford Learning® Grade 10 science tutor can help. Our program will help your teen understand key concepts, improve their grade, and approach his/her science class with less trouble.
What do students get from Oxford Learning®’s Grade 10 science tutor program? It’s not just better grades. They also develop stronger study and critical thinking skills, planning abilities, and most of all, confidence. These are skills not just valuable in science, but all other subjects. This quality approach to instruction is an Oxford Learning® difference.
Grade 10 Science Tutoring Subjects
Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration
- Four areas of skills related to scientific investigation
- Careers related to the fields of science
- Identify scientists who contributed to those fields
- Importance of medical and technological advancements in biology
- What societal and ethical consequences they carry
- Cell division, cell specialization, organs, systems in plants and animals
- Chemical reactions
- How they relate to the environment
- Principles of chemical reactions
Earth and Space Science
- The effects of climate change around the world
- Debate the initiatives that address this issue
- The greenhouse effect and climate change
- How technological devices made of light can benefit society
- Various characteristics and properties of light